Maurh Punjabi Movie released on June 9, 2023. The movie is directed by Jatinder Mauhar. Meet the main cast of “Maurh” featuring Ammy Virk, Dev Kharoud, and Vikramjeet Virk. Their outstanding performances bring depth and intensity to the story, making the film a captivating cinematic experience.
Maurh Punjabi Movie Story
“Maurh” delves into the remarkable lives of Jeon and Kishna Maurh, who courageously resisted the British and local landlords in pre-partition Punjab. Motivated by the unbearable disgrace to their family, Kishna becomes a bandit. However, when Kishna faces execution by the British, Jeona picks up arms to stand up for their people. “Maurh” unfolds a gripping tale of revenge, betrayal, and valor, portraying the indomitable spirit of those who fought against oppression.