Gol Gappe Punjabi Film is an upcoming Punjabi movie scheduled to be released on 10 Apr, 2020. The movie is directed by Smeep Kang and will feature Binnu Dhillon, Rajat Bedi, Ihana Dhillon and Navneet Kaur Dhillon as lead characters. Other popular actor who was roped in for movie is B.N. Sharma.
The film stars Binnu Dhillon, Rajat Bedi, Ihana Dhillon & Navneet Dhillon in main roles and B.N. Sharma will be seen playing a vital role. ‘Golgappe’ is directed by Smeep Kang and the project is being produced by Deepak Mukut, Ilaa Bedi Dutta, Manik Bedi, Bunty Raghav and Vikas Agarwal. The Gol Gappe, that is inspired by the Malayalam comedy Ramji Rao Speaking, will release in 2020.
Gol Gappe full movie on which Ott Streaming?
We will infom when its available on OTT.
What is the release date of ‘Gol Gappe’ Movie?
The titled ‘Gol Gappe’ was release on April 10, 2020.