It seems like another action thriller is on its way. Recently a new Punjabi title “Cheta Singh” was announced. It will feature Prince Kanwaljit Singh in the leading role. The actor announced this news himself by sharing its first look poster. The first look of this film was enough to create headlines and it created quite a buzz. 

Prince Kanwaljit Singh took to his Instagram handle to share the poster of Cheta Singh. The poster is quite spooky and interesting as Prince Kanwaljit is standing in front of the pile of human bones and skeletons. He has a knife in hand which is covered in blood. It clarifies that this forthcoming movie will feature a lot of action, and it will be a bit dark too. 

Coming to the credits of Cheta Singh, Ashish Kumar directed this movie which is being produced by Ranjit Singh. The story and lyrics are written by Rana Jethuwal. Cheta Singh will be released under the banner of Nakash Films Productions and Rana Jethuwal on a yet-to-be-announced date. Now, fans are eagerly waiting for further updates on this movie. 

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