Every once in a while, many universities and colleges give their students a chance to showcase their writing skills by running competitions. These competitions are a great way for students to up their game and produce good quality work because they offer incentives. These include cash prizes, gift vouchers, scholarships, electronic products, and more.

Competition is stiff, and you need to be at your best if you want to walk away with the grand prize. There is no set formula that guarantees victory but before looking at the 25 latest topics for essay writing in competitive exams, below are a few steps you can follow that will increase your chances of winning.

Keep a close eye on the submission rules 

You want to make sure that the work you submit meets the entry requirements and this is why you have to read the submission rules. Plenty of writing contests have rules on this that must be followed and your essay will not make the final cut if you didn’t follow any of them. Here you need to know the deadline and how to submit your entry. If no electronic submissions are allowed, you won’t win the prize if you email your essay to the institution running the competition. Submitting after the deadline will lead to your essay not being considered making it super important to know the deadline on top of the submission method.

Follow the competition rules 

You have to read the competition rules to know what formatting the judges want as well as the subject matter. Your essay has to address the given topic and word length unless told otherwise. This is a very simple rule which is often ignored by many students who think they just have to write a piece they think will land them the grand prize. If you want to give yourself the best possible chance of winning, read the rules before you write anything.

Be yourself 

The majority of essay writing competitions want students to express themselves and not try and copy someone else. When writing your essay, showcase your personality to the judging panel without going away from the subject. Be clear, simple, and express your feelings in an articulate way that will blow the judges away when they read them. Don’t overwrite your essay because doing so will bore the reader to death and make your work come across as unconvincing and uninspiring.

Have a great hook 

With so many people entering the competition, you want your work to stand out when the judges read it. Make sure that your first sentence is memorable because it will set the tone for your essay. You can start it off with a quotation, an anecdote, or even a question. Anything that will grab the reader’s attention instantly and makes them want to read more is highly recommended.

Proofread and revise your work before submitting 

As pointed out earlier, competition is stiff because everyone entering has their eye on the prize so you need to make sure your work is as close to perfection as possible. You have to submit something that is error-free because that is unacceptable in a writing competition. Have a family or a close friend read your work because chances are they will spot a few mistakes you might have missed during the writing process, or you can use websites like Grammarly. 

Hire an essay writer 

The last way to increase your chances of winning a writing competition is by getting professional essay writing help online from academic experts you can rely on. There are so many writing companies on the internet similar to AdvancedWriters that will write for you a high-quality essay or any other paper that will meet the competition requirement as long as you provide them with the rules and have the money to pay. 

There is nothing wrong with using professional companies for your essay as long as you make sure you’re not being scammed. Handing over the work to a writing company ensures you’ll get the best paper possible because they’ll assign it to a writer who has experience in the subject you’ve provided. 

The latest topics for an essay writing competition

  1. What are the effects of violent video games on young children 
  2. Should recycling be made mandatory to help protect our environment?
  3. Is the American educational system doing a great job in preparing the youth for future challenges they might face? 
  4. Does too much technology alienate people from others?
  5. How to motivate girls to get into sports more
  6. Are loot boxes found in video games another form of gambling?
  7. What are the measures the world is taking to deal with pollution?
  8. Are social media platforms doing enough to tackle racism and online abuse?
  9. Will technology ever stop evolving?
  10. Should fathers of newly born children be given equal paternity leave as women?
  11. Is social media a contributing factor in teenage depression?
  12. Should colleges and schools ban their students from drinking energy drinks?
  13. Is smoking cigarettes more harmful than vaping?
  14. Should schools ban the use of cell phones?
  15. Should sex education be made mandatory for high school students?
  16. Should companies go through candidates’ social media platforms as part of the interview process? 
  17. Parents suffering from mental health problems shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children
  18. The pros and cons of the COVID-19 vaccine
  19. Should alcohol consumption be made legal in Muslim countries?
  20. Does having a LinkedIn profile boost your chances of getting a job?
  21. Should smoking in public areas be banned? 
  22. Should everyone get the COVID-19 vaccine for the world to result back to normal?
  23. What are the negatives and positives of BREXIT
  24. Reasons why teenagers turn to drugs 
  25. The emotional impact divorce has on young children 

If you follow all the steps above, you increase your chances of winning an essay writing competition. For those who are struggling to write a good quality piece, you can hit the internet and hire a writer. There is no problem paying for your contest entry because many essay writing companies will respect your privacy and will not reveal to the people running the competition that you bought an essay from them. The only way they will reveal information is when requested by the law and no one else. All the personal information you provide to them is kept safe and never shared with third parties. Before hiring a company to do your essay for you, make sure that they are legit and trustworthy so that you get a good quality original piece that’s plagiarism-free. Submitting something that isn’t original can get you disqualified, so you have to be careful when it comes to whom you hire.

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